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Repeat not working with delay

Christina1234 test
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Go to solution Solved by Cassie,

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Hello gsap magicians,


I'm trying to create this animation, where on load all the images stagger out, then have each image animate from 0% to 100% width over top of the previous image. It kinda works, but if I add a delay to the animation it breaks the continuous look of the animation. Can anyone help?


Much appreciated!

See the Pen VwOrWrz by ckosik (@ckosik) on CodePen

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Hey Christina!

I've rewritten this a little for you,


See the Pen LYoOjLr?editors=0010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


Some notes & further reading.


Use transforms where possible instead of width/height/margin etc as it's better for performance (smoother animation)


This solution is based on a technique called staggered staggers which @Carl from the wonderful creative coding club explains here 


This thread covers more details about your particular use case, where you have images overlapping and z-index changes


Hope this helps to give you a better starting point!

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