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ScrollSmoother breaks sticky objects

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I am using ScrollSmoother.js on my website. I have sticky elements inside the main wrapper, which I cannot place outside. How can I mitigate this?

Thank you, 


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Hi there, sorry to say there's not really anything you can do to mitigate it.

It's not down to GSAP persay, more that you can't have fixed elements inside a transformed container (like the ScrollSmoother container). It's a web platform thing that we can't change.


The options are either move the elements outside the scroller in the DOM, (or reparent them on interaction if they're modals?) or use a different solution like Lenis, Lenis doesn't smooth all inputs though, soif someone drags the scrollbar or tabs down the page it won't be smooth. It's also a third party solution so we can't speak for compatibility.

Sorry that you've run into this and good luck getting it fixed, happy to answer any questions you may have.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cassie, Thank you for getting back to me on this. Like you said I may have to come up with a GSAP-friendly way to deal with sticky elements. If I find a universally viable solution I will post it here. :) 

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