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Thank you, GSAP

2TheDev test
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I hope this is allowed, as I didn't see any rules against it in the forum guidelines, but I felt compelled to write this out after wrapping up a massive feature my dev team has just completed using GSAP.


I don't know if anyone will see this but I wanted to give a massive thank you to everyone on the GSAP team, from the devs working to support the platform to the devs who are incredibly active, kind, cheerful, and helpful in the forums. In my career I've never come across a third-party library that has the kind of support and community that GSAP has, and I wanted to say thank you to every single person who works on this project. It seems to be a real labor of love, and the entire internet is a better place because of you and this project.


Learning and using GSAP over the past few months has truly been a delight. The documentation is wonderful, the forums are deeply educational and the responses from the community team and devs have been invaluable resources. So good, in fact, that I never had to make a post here, and have been able to solve every issue I've come across by searching through these same forums. Every time I think I've pushed the platform to its limits, and encounter an issue that at first glance seems impossible to solve, Green Sock has somehow already thought of it and supplied a simple solution.

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This is such a nice post, @2TheDev 💚


Yes, it's a labor of love around here. Couldn't do it without this wonderful community. I'm so pleased to hear that you were able to find answers to all your questions without ever needing to post here. But of course you're always welcome to do so. 


Thanks again for the kind words. You've brightened our holidays :) 

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