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Help Required ASAP • Infinite repeat not working.

Levin Riegner
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Levin Riegner

I have created this React component which should be repeating infinitely, but it only plays once.

I feel like im going insane, why is it only playing once??


const Marquee = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
	const first = useRef();
	const last = useRef();

	useLayoutEffect(() => {
		const tl = gsap.to(first.current, {
			xPercent: -100,
			repeat: -1,
			duration: 5,
			ease: 'none',
			repeatRefresh: true,

		const tl2 = gsap.to(last.current, {
			xPercent: -100,
			repeat: -1,
			duration: 5,
			ease: 'none',
			repeatRefresh: true,
	}, []);

	return (
		<Jacket isPaused={props.isPaused} ref={ref}>
				<ul ref={first}>
					{props.text.map(({ word, uid }) => (
						<li key={uid} className='el'>

				{/* Dupl */}
				<ul aria-hidden='true' ref={last}>
					{props.text.map(({ word, uid }) => (
						<li className='el' key={uid}>

For reference:

See the Pen Marquee by s (@s) on CodePen.

Levin Riegner

Also, even trying to set an amount of repeats has no effect - I tried 3 just to see, but it plays once only, ever.

Levin Riegner

Okay I got it working with this code - but it doesnt make sense why this would work vs the other


const Marquee = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
	const first = useRef();
	const last = useRef();

	useLayoutEffect(() => {
		const width1 = first.current.offsetWidth;
		const width2 = first.current.offsetWidth;

		const timeline1 = gsap.timeline();
		const timeline2 = gsap.timeline();

				xPercent: 0,
				xPercent: -100,
				repeat: -1,
				repeatRefresh: true,
				duration: 5,
				ease: 'none',

				xPercent: 0,
				xPercent: -100,
				repeat: -1,
				repeatRefresh: true,
				duration: 5,
				ease: 'none',
	}, []);

	return (
		<Jacket isPaused={props.isPaused} ref={ref}>
				<ul ref={first}>
					{props.text.map(({ word, uid }) => (
						<li key={uid} className='el'>

				{/* Dupl */}
				<ul aria-hidden='true' ref={last}>
					{props.text.map(({ word, uid }) => (
						<li className='el' key={uid}>



That's because you set repeatRefresh: true on those tweens. I wonder what your goal was with that since you don't have any dynamic values so it seems totally useless. When you have repeatRefresh: true, that tells the tween to flush all recorded starting values on each repeat cycle and re-parse everything again. So let's say you animate to xPercent: -100 and repeat infinitely but have repeatRefresh: true. Assuming xPercent is currently 0 at the time you create that animation, your to() tween animates from whatever it current is (0) to -100. Great. Then, since you set repeatRefresh: true, it will then flush any recorded values and re-instantiate that .to() tween. So at this moment xPercent is -100...and your to() tween says "animate it from the current value (-100) to -100" which is of course no change. It'll look broken but GSAP is doing exactly what you told it to do. It's a logic issue in your code. 


The reason it worked when you switched to using .fromTo() tweens is because you're defining BOTH the start AND end values. 


The simple solution: remove repeatRefresh :)


That's there for dynamic values, like function-based ones or random strings, etc. It might be good to read the docs on that feature. 

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