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Space Added below ScrollTrigger pinspacing

George SanMichel test
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Hello !

I am trying to recreate the vertical carousel I found on this page : https://www.giuligartner.com/motion/amelia

I can't manage to have the following section (last placeholder) directly following the sectionGsapTest after the animation is finished :
- it seems like when the
bts-photo-list and the sectionGsapTest scrolltrigger hit their end trigger, some more scrolling is adding (we see all of a sudden the scrollbar increase) resulting in adding unwanted blank space under everything.
- if I set the pinSpacing of this element back to True, there is an enormous unwanted blank space between the two element (carousel and last placeholder).

Code explanation :

I created 3 containers :

.sectionGsapTest is the main container : it is pinned on place so that is sticks to the middle of the screen
.teaserContainer is the one responsible for the opening effect at the beginning : it's height will progressively increase.

.bts-photo-list will be moving up  as if it where scrolling inside of the teaserContainer : it contains a list of 8 pictures. The height of each picture container is set to 60vh and there is a 20px margin between each picture. That's why you would see some calculation like this on the code : (window.innerHeight * 0.55 * photoLen) > if I set this as a fixed value, it wouldn't stop directly after the photo list end.


Also there are a lot of issues that are really not good comparing to the website where I found it (https://www.giuligartner.com/motion/amelia) : the smoothness is not good and it may have to do with a lot of layers I added. On page reload it doesn't seem to really keep up the location of the scroll and the whole process is pretty wacky and failing. Maybe there is a better way of doing this.

I found this code on the example website but I don't understand it :

<!-- Timothy Ricks' wonderful GSAP text animations, thank you for sharing, Timothy! -->

// Code by T.RICKS, https://www.tricksdesign.com/
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  // Split text into spans
  let typeSplit = new SplitType("[text-split]", {
    types: "words, chars",
    tagName: "span"

  // Link timelines to scroll position
  function createScrollTrigger(triggerElement, timeline) {
    // Reset tl when scroll out of view past bottom of screen
      trigger: triggerElement,
      start: "top bottom",
      onLeaveBack: () => {
    // Play tl when scrolled into view (60% from top of screen)
      trigger: triggerElement,
      start: "top 85%",
      onEnter: () => timeline.play()

  $("[words-rotate-in]").each(function (index) {
    let tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true });
    tl.set($(this).find(".word"), { transformPerspective: 1000 });
    tl.from($(this).find(".word"), { rotationX: -90, duration: 0.8, ease: "power2.out", stagger: { amount: 0.8 } });
    createScrollTrigger($(this), tl);

  // Avoid flash of unstyled content
  gsap.set("[text-split]", { opacity: 1 });

See the Pen jOeWqgv by zjefbdzjedbedb (@zjefbdzjedbedb) on CodePen

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Hi, just a note that this was designed and developed by Thomas Bosc - and while it's great to take inspiration from people, it's obviously not on to entirely copy someone else's work for profit. If you're using it for yourself as a learning exercise that's ok.

In terms of the smoothness, that site is using a smooth scrolling library like ScrollSmoother




And a timeline would probably be the best approach, I assume that's what you meant by  this? Were you confused by the timeline syntax?

3 hours ago, George SanMichel said:

I found this code on the example website but I don't understand it :

See the Pen eYPJgoZ?editors=0010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

If so take a look at this


and this

That should help!

It's always a good idea to start with understanding tweens, then timelines, then ScrollTrigger. Tweens and Timelines are the core fundamentals of GSAP, ScrollTrigger is just a way to control them ☺️

Did you have any specific questions about the rest?

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Thanks a lot for this message :)I also think I need to redesign it using timelines.
This is really interesting how you translated this code to timeline, thanks a lot for the effort, this is going to be really helpful on understanding the interactions of gsap.

And about the ethics part : I am trying to find cool design on awwwards and reproduce them. This is inspired by a french front end coder on youtube.

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