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Looking for go-to guy/gal for my small gsap projects

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I am 100% a back end guy, so my front end work is ... "uggg".   I'm slowly learning but my deadlines often are way sooner than my free time to learn how to properly do things.  With that being said, I would like to get a go-to guy/gal that I can hit up when I need some visual magic.  I'm looking at an estimated 10 hours every month or two.  I'm available pretty much any hour/day, so your timezone doesn't matter.  Most of the time you will work on your own, sometimes on a vsc live share with voice if we need a back-and-forth.  If you are a capable gsap person with some spare time to fill, please reach out with a low-effort informal mail with an hourly rate and maybe a link to a codepen for me to take a poke at.

Thanks for your time.

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