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Using relative values in start property at pinned container

reinaldohrm test
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So, i'm learning gsap for about three days and i'm facing a "problem" that can be something that i just don't know that works that way but is making me a little bit confused.


In the code below, i have two example where, the first one when i try to animate a text inside of a pinned container using the property start with the value "top top" and the trigger being the pinned container, not the text,  it works pretty well as i expected, the text animates when the top of the viewport hits the top of my pinned container.


But, at the second example, i tried to use a relative value at startproperty which was "10% top", but the animation actually only started after (probably 10% after) the pin ends and not after the 10% of the top of the pinned container like i was expecting.

I tried to use values like "+=500 top" or "500px top" and it "did'nt" works too. 


Is that a normal behavior or i'm just missing something?

And if is is a normal behavior, how can i can achieve what i was expecting?

See the Pen oNMEEVr by reinaldorm (@reinaldorm) on CodePen

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So you're pinning a container right? That means it doesn't move for the duration of the pin.

"10% top" means 'fire this when 10% of the container has passed the top of the viewport'

That's not going to occur until the container is unpinned - for the duration of the pin it's pinned at "0% top",  only when it unpins and starts scrolling again does it hit '10% top'

Animating stuff inside pinned containers can be a little tricky approached like this. It's best to house your animations and pins together. e.g.


gsap.from(".example2 h1", {
  id: "text-animation-2",
  alpha: 0,
  y: "+=250",
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: ".example2",
    pin: true,
    start: "10% top",
    end: "+=350",
    scrub: 1,

This can also come in handy sometimes -


pinnedContainer Element | String - If your ScrollTrigger's trigger/endTrigger element is INSIDE an element that gets pinned by another ScrollTrigger (pretty uncommon), that would cause the start/end positions to be thrown off by however long that pin lasts, so you can set the pinnedContainer to that parent/container element to have ScrollTrigger calculate those offsets accordingly. Again, this is very rarely needed. Important: nested pinning is not supported, so this feature is only for non-pinning ScrollTriggers (added in 3.7.0)
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