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Can I import paid plugins from node modules if I become club member?

Poylar test
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Go to solution Solved by Rodrigo,

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You can install the bonus plugins using NPM or Yarn. You can check the documentation on the subject:



Also you can test all the plugins using this codepen (or the URLs found in the JS tab in any other Codepen or Codesandbox):

See the Pen aYYOdN by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


If you prefer to test in your local environment, you can install the GSAP Trial package as well:



Let us know if you have any other question.


Happy Tweening!

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21 hours ago, Rodrigo said:



You can install the bonus plugins using NPM or Yarn. You can check the documentation on the subject:



Also you can test all the plugins using this codepen (or the URLs found in the JS tab in any other Codepen or Codesandbox):




If you prefer to test in your local environment, you can install the GSAP Trial package as well:



Let us know if you have any other question.


Happy Tweening!

thank you. can i use one token for few project/computer?

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1 hour ago, Poylar said:

thank you. can i use one token for few project/computer?

If you've got multiple developers using GSAP, you should get the appropriate "Business Green" membership for that number of developers. Each one will get their own token for the private repo. 


Our entire business model is based on the honor system. So we trust you to be honest about your usage and the number of developers. 


There are no limits on the number of projects you can use the tools in. And yes, you can use the same token in your various projects (assuming you've got the appropriate license that covers the number of developers on your end). We really try to make it as easy as possible to use GSAP and we treat developers the way we'd want to be treated, thus we don't force you to register each project, we don't put "phone home" code in the tools to report your usage, and we don't burn resources trying to hunt down violators. We stay focused on building the best tools we can and serving our customers here in these very active forums. :) We believe that if we respect our customers, that respect will be reciprocated. We really couldn't do what we do without the support of our Club GreenSock members. 💚


I hope to see you on the membership roster soon, @Poylar

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34 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

If you've got multiple developers using GSAP, you should get the appropriate "Business Green" membership for that number of developers. Each one will get their own token for the private repo. 


Our entire business model is based on the honor system. So we trust you to be honest about your usage and the number of developers. 


There are no limits on the number of projects you can use the tools in. And yes, you can use the same token in your various projects (assuming you've got the appropriate license that covers the number of developers on your end). We really try to make it as easy as possible to use GSAP and we treat developers the way we'd want to be treated, thus we don't force you to register each project, we don't put "phone home" code in the tools to report your usage, and we don't burn resources trying to hunt down violators. We stay focused on building the best tools we can and serving our customers here in these very active forums. :) We believe that if we respect our customers, that respect will be reciprocated. We really couldn't do what we do without the support of our Club GreenSock members. 💚


I hope to see you on the membership roster soon, @Poylar

i mean if i single developer on difference project?

i stil should buy plan for few developer?

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37 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

Если у вас есть несколько разработчиков, использующих GSAP, вы должны получить соответствующее членство «Business Green» для этого количества разработчиков. Каждый получит свой токен для частного репо. 


Вся наша бизнес-модель основана на системе чести . Поэтому мы надеемся, что вы будете честны в отношении вашего использования и количества разработчиков. 


Нет ограничений на количество проектов, в которых вы можете использовать инструменты. И да, вы можете использовать один и тот же токен в своих различных проектах (при условии, что у вас есть соответствующая лицензия, которая распространяется на количество разработчиков с вашей стороны). Мы действительно стараемся максимально упростить использование GSAP, и мы относимся к разработчикам так, как хотели бы, чтобы относились к нам, поэтому мы не заставляем вас регистрировать каждый проект, мы не вставляем код «позвонить домой» в инструменты для сообщения о вашем использовании, и мы не сжигаем ресурсы, пытаясь выследить нарушителей. Мы по-прежнему сосредоточены на создании наилучших инструментов и обслуживании наших клиентов здесь, на этих очень активных форумах. :) Мы считаем, что если мы уважаем наших клиентов, это уважение будет взаимным. Мы действительно могли'члены. 💚


Надеюсь скоро увидеть вас в списке участников,@Пойлар

And I already joined the club, my company just bought it on another account

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4 minutes ago, Poylar said:

i mean if i single developer on difference project?

i stil should buy plan for few developer?

No no, the pricing is just based on the number of developers, not the number of projects/sites. So if you're the only developer using GSAP there, you only need to get a single-developer membership. That'll cover you for all the projects you work on there. 

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