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Tweening ease curve chart

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can this curve chart be a main nav item? I can never find it when I need it.

Sorry, there's lots of content on the site so I've gotta be careful what I put in the main nav otherwise it gets overwhelming for folks. But the EaseVisualizer.swf is in all the downloads (in the demo_swfs directory) and you can see it at http://www.greensock.com/roughease/ (or just search the site for "ease visualizer")


Also, I see a .as file called something like custom ease. Is there a place where this is described an how to go about that?


Sure, you must be a Club GreenSock member. You can use the demo swf in the downloads or see it at http://www.greensock.com/customease/



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yes, I found that custom ease chart and it works well... great addition for us members :-)


only issue I have is that I am creating a custom ease but I'd like to be able to re-open custom ease, paste my code in there and tweak. Probably not easy to do, but it sure would be cool to have.


the reason is that I'm easing over 75 seconds. that chart isn't big enough for me to see the curve and control it, plus if the client likes what they see but wants to tweak just one section of the speed, my chanced of getting that just right are slim to none.


for now, I'm just taking screenshots and getting as close as I can.



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