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Scrolling stops suddenly near bottom of page when using ScrollSmoother, Bug on some devices?

JoeH test
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This issue is only affecting some devices, the ones we have found that have an issue are Samsung  S22 Ultra using Chrome browser, Samsung browser and Firefox, and using an Amazon fire tablet with the Silk browser.


The scrollbar does not reach the bottom of the page, not sure if this helps or not in diagnosing the issue, but the scroll bar will not move once it gets to a certain point (around 7/8 of the way down the page on this particular webpage), the point it reaches also changes if you refresh, allowing you to scroll slightly further.


I have tried creating the smoother instance once the entire page has loaded and even adding a setTimeout function, but this does not work, and seems to break the pins and scroll triggers.


I don't have a codepen although I can try set one up, or I can provide a link to the website in which it is happening on, but would prefer to not share this in public.


Attached is a video showing the issue on mobile





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It would really help if you could provide a minimal demo - it doesn't need to be your actual project (in fact, we strongly prefer that it's NOT - we only want the simplest reproduction with as few elements and little code as possible). Got a CodePen? 


Also, can you tell us the value of document.documentElement.scrollHeight and document.body.scrollHeight in your project please? Do they match? If not, which one is bigger? 

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Great, a CodePen will help a ton. 



  1. Do you have any padding or margin on the <body> or <html>? 
  2. If you remove ScrollSmoother from the equation, does the documentElement/body.scrollHeight change at all? 
  3. If you remove ScrollSmoother from the equation and you scroll to the .scrollHeight value mentioned above, is that the very end? 
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In answer to your questions.


1. No

2. No

3. How can I do this please? I have run a setInterval function logging out ->


window.scrollY || window.scrollTop || document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].scrollTop

But when I scroll to the end the value is significantly less than  document.documentElement.scrollHeight or document.body.scrollHeight, but not sure if I am comparing the correct things here.



Some other observations:


I can replicate the issue in my browser if I 'toggle device toolbar' i.e. inspect element and click on the mobile devices icon so that the touch screen mode is simulated.


But as soon as I click anywhere on the page (at which touch-action: pan-x; is removed from body) and then try to scroll again, I am able to scroll to the appropriate position on the page.


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Do you have ignoreMobileResize: true set? And is the problem only occurring in mobile browsers that have an address bar that is showing/hiding? If you call ScrollTrigger.refresh() somewhat regularly on the page (the only thing that matters is that it gets called AFTER your viewport resizes), does that resolve things? 

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Here is my initiation:


var smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({
  smooth: 4,
  effects: true,           
  normalizeScroll: true,   
  ignoreMobileResize: true 

This problem is happening in browsers in which the address bar is always visible.


Tried running ScrollTrigger.refresh() on a 1 second interval and that didn't help.


It's going to take me a while to get a codepen setup I think, this issue only exists on one page on our website:


I've tested it isn't related to the length of the page, I've removed all other JS unique to the problem page, this doesn't make any difference, and even removed individual sections from the problem page to see if they are causing the issue, in this case the gap at the bottom of the page between the end scroll position and the end of the page just gets smaller and smaller as more sections are removed.


I've tried removing all the CSS from the problem page also and this doesn't help either, still unable to pinpoint where the issue is coming from.

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If you REMOVE the ignoreMobileResize: true part, does that have any effect? What about removing normalizeScroll: true


How about if you grab the result of ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window) both with ScrollSmoother enabled and disabled - are they the same? What if you take that number and scroll there WITHOUT ScrollSmoother enabled, like window.scrollTo(0, YOUR_NUMBER) - is that at the very bottom? 

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Removing normalizeScroll: true seems to fix the problem. However it breaks some scrollTriggers and Pins seem to go out of whack.


No difference when removing ignoreMobileResize: true


ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window) is the same with ScrollSmoother enabled/disabled.


window.scrollTo(0, VALUE) does NOT go to the end of the page

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Okay, so the maxScroll() isn't actually returning the maximum scroll in your case. Interesting. Can you figure out how to determine the REAL maximum scroll? Currently the calculation is: 

let max = (document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight) - (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight)

Perhaps you could tweak that to see what's more accurate in your case. 

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The behaviour is very strange, I get different results which seem random.


I've just logged out each of the above and they are as follows:


ScrollTrigger.maxScroll(window) = 11151

document.documentElement.scrollHeight = 12578
(document.body.scrollHeight) - (window.innerHeight) = 11151
document.documentElement.clientHeight = 1166
document.body.clientHeight = 12578


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I think I have found a workaround, we have a deadline soon so need to move fast on this, so we are just looking for a solution, I can then help after our deadline to try find the cause of this bug.


If I add smoothTouch: 0.1 it seems to be a workaround.

Can we use a smaller number than 0.1 because we prefer no change on touch screen devices?

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 OMG!!! I just found the problem and solved it. In my landing page, there were some pictures that didn't have FIXED HEIGHT and ScrollSmoother seemed to forget that the page had those images. I fixed the height of images and now it's working perfectly fine. 😎

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  • 2 weeks later...

First time posting here so forgive me if I'm doing something wrong!


We're experiencing the exact same issue and we made the exact same measurement of @JoeH with basically the same results:


On 4/4/2022 at 6:40 AM, GreenSock said:

Great, a CodePen will help a ton. 



  1. Do you have any padding or margin on the <body> or <html>? 
  2. If you remove ScrollSmoother from the equation, does the documentElement/body.scrollHeight change at all? 
  3. If you remove ScrollSmoother from the equation and you scroll to the .scrollHeight value mentioned above, is that the very end? 
  1. Nop
  2. Yup, it gets the correct height: 11112 (when scroolsmoother is in action it's missing about 2000px: 9779)
  3. Yup

Setting normalizeScroll either true or false doesn't change the end result, same with ignoreMobileResize.

Unfortunately setting smoothTouch to 0.1 or less isn't working for us. 


This is how we create our ScrollSmoother instance:

useEffect(() => {
    const smoothOperator = ScrollSmoother.create({
      smooth: 4, 
      effects: true, 
      wrapper: '#___gatsby',
      smoothTouch: 0.1,
    smoothOperator.refresh(); // we tried both refreshing as soon as it mount the page and not refreshing at all
    console.debug('Starting ScrollSmoother');
    return () => {
      console.debug('Killing ScrollSmoother');

  }, []);


We're working on a reprod on codepen but i'm still not able to replicate this behaviour.

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A quick update: it looks like @Saim Abbas was right!

If some image (atm we can't say for sure if all elements or only a part of them) don't have a fixed height set scrollSmoother isn't able to figure out the correct height of our page!


So setting height to images seems to be required to let scrollsmoother work correctly.

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6 hours ago, tramedigitali said:

If some image (atm we can't say for sure if all elements or only a part of them) don't have a fixed height set scrollSmoother isn't able to figure out the correct height of our page!


I assume you must be dynamically loading those images in such that the window.onload isn't triggered when they finish loading, right? It sounds like you just need to call ScrollTrigger.refresh() when those are done (or set the image dimensions, as you discovered, which is better anyway because it allows the browser to not have to run layout logic again after they load). There's a "load" event listener on the window that automatically calls ScrollTrigger.refresh(), but it sounds like you must be loading things in a different way. 


Glad you figured it out!

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@GreenSock you are indeed right!

Gatsby's StaticImage component actually lazy load under the hood all images rendered using it, so it might impede those refresh() calls. 

This is actually a problem nowadays as many frontend frameworks (NextJS with next/image and Gatsby as well) lazy load images if using their image component. 


Maybe a disclaimer in ScrollSmoother docs advising user on either setting width/height or watching for load event could be useful? 

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  • 1 year later...

I have same plobram on my code         


in this code if i scroll down the web page was stuck


this is full file link 



var main = document.querySelector('#main');
var tl2 = gsap.timeline({
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: main,
start: "38% 50%",
end: "100% 50%",
scrub: 2,
pin: true,
.to(".text", { top: "-7%" }, 'a')
.to("#card-one", { top: "35%" }, 'a')
.to("#card-two", { top: "130%" }, 'a')
.to("#card-two", { top: "42%" }, 'b')
.to("#card-one", { width: "65%", height: "65vh" }, 'b')
.to("#card-three", { top: "130%" }, 'b')
.to("#card-three", { top: "50%" }, 'c')
.to("#card-two", { width: "70%", height: "70vh" }, 'c')
.to("#card-three", { left: "-100%", })
.to("#card-two", { left: "-100%", })
.to("#card-one", { left: "-100%", })
.to("#main", { opacity: 0 })
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Hi @rohit111AAA and welcome to the GSAP Forums!


Without a minimal demo, it's very difficult to troubleshoot; the issue could be caused by CSS, markup, a third party library, a 3rd party script, etc. Would you please provide a very simple CodePen or Stackblitz that illustrates the issue? Also we don't have the time resources to go through a full set of files that are production-ready.


Please don't include your whole project. Just some colored <div> elements and the GSAP code is best. See if you can recreate the issue with as few dependancies as possible. Start minimal and then incrementally add code bit by bit until it breaks. Usually people solve their own issues during this process! If not, at least we have a reduced test case which greatly increases your chances of getting a relevant answer.


See the Pen aYYOdN by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

that loads all the plugins. Just click "fork" at the bottom right and make your minimal demo


Using a framework/library like React, Vue, Next, etc.? 

CodePen isn't always ideal for these tools, so here are some Stackblitz starter templates that you can fork and import the gsap-trial NPM package for using any of the bonus plugins: 


Please share the StackBlitz link directly to the file in question (where you've put the GSAP code) so we don't need to hunt through all the files. 


Once we see an isolated demo, we'll do our best to jump in and help with your GSAP-specific questions. 

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