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Help a fellow developer with a project

Sydney test
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Hi I'm working on a website that has some animations and I'm just learning GSAP, which has been awesome so far. But I'm stuck in a few places and I know my code isn't the best, even if it's mostly working right now.


I'm looking for someone to help me do the stuff I'm stuck on, maybe tell me how to do stuff smarter / better, possibly refactor and/or do the rest of the animations. I'm cool if you want to do it for me, or tell me how to do it, or a combination. I'm flexible, just want some expert help.


Happy to pay your preferred hourly rate, but I'm not sure on how much work this is to do. I will pay at least $100 USD if you'll give me an hour on a screenshare / voice call.


Edit 07/31/2021 - Found someone, thanks everyone!

Edited by Sydney
Found someone - thanks!
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Welcome to the world of GSAP, @Sydney! I think you'll like it around here. ?


It's great that you're willing to pay someone to help like this. I especially like that you put a specific dollar amount you're willing to pay at a minimum. That really helps; GSAP experts are in high-demand and many of them won't even bother when it isn't totally clear that the project has an adequate budget. 


Hopefully someone will pop along here and offer some assistance. If you have GSAP-specific questions, feel free to ask them in the regular GSAP forums. We'll do our best to help. Providing a minimal demo with significantly increase your chances of getting a solid answer. 


If you strike out and still need some paid assistance, GreenSock does offer that sort of thing, but it will be more expensive than your $100/hour budget. But I wouldn't be surprised if you get some interest from someone else here. Any of the moderators are sure to have very solid GSAP skills. We can't vouch for anyone else, though. 


Good luck with the project!

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hey @Sydney , 


I am interested, below is my profile. Please email with the project details and problems you are trying to solve, from there we can take it forward. 

Portfolio: http://iamtrapti.com/

Codepen Greensock collection: https://codepen.io/collection/DqPvMe

One of my writing on SVG and animation: https://css-tricks.com/how-to-get-handwriting-animation-with-irregular-svg-strokes/ 
Email: [email protected]


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