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Looping movie clip (help)

johnblaze test
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Okay first off I need to say that I am new to AS3 and using tweening engines such as greensocks. I've played around with it a bit and I have to say that its great. Im hoping to build my new site using greensocks so that all my tweens run smoothly on all computers which I've noticed can be slow on some and faster on others when I do the tweens on the frames.


Okay right now I have a video clip within a movie clip which I would like to play in the background...my instance name is water, the video clip is 201 frames long and I would like it to play for 5 seconds then loop continously. Can someone help me out with the code...I currently have it setup with tweener and have the timetween setup but I dont know how to make it loop, can someone transform the code so that I can do it with greensocks...any help would be greatly appreciated, here is the code I have now. Im also not sure if I need to download the new timeline engines aswell as the TweenLite engines, please let me know...thanks.



import caurina.transitions.*;

import caurina.transitions.properties.*;




Tweener.addTween(water, {_frame:201, time:5.0, transition:"linear"});



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