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Everything posted by johnblaze

  1. Hi Carl....thanks for the feedback, I actually figured out what was wrong with the file...I was going to send you the file so I isolated the video and placed it on a seperate fla and tested it and it worked fine so I decided to do a process of elimination to figure out what was making the glitch to the video. After removing all or most of the graphics from my original file I found that the issue was my background graphics...more specific it was a graphic which I had in the background that had a blur filter added to it....once I removed the flash blur filter the video played perfectly again. Its very odd but I have noticed in the past that when using the flash blur filter that it does make it stall during tweens animations and so on...so I had to remove the blurred grphic that I had... thanks for the feedback. Johnny
  2. thanks MJ.... Hey carl schooff any idea of what you think it might be? take a look and let me know if you have any advice....thanks look forward to your feedback.
  3. Here is a link to view the video....you can see the twitch during the video loop. I tried making it faster and slower but still get the same. Odd because when I test it in flash the movie plays fine. Any idea??? thanks j
  4. I currently have a movie clip on my stage called light, within that movieclip I have a looping video effect...the video loop in the mc is 201 frames, which loops perfectly. I have a TweenMax code on my main stage which makes the looping video play for 5 seconds and loop, the code I have is as followed: ---------- import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; TweenMax.to(light, 5, {frame:201, ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1}); ---------- Now the video and tween code work perfectly when I test the movie in flash but when I play the movie in a browser there is a twitch which I believe happens when it gets to the end of the video....Can anyone help me with this or give me some advice...please keep in mind I am not an expert coder and I am new to Greensock tweening codes. Note: The code I am using above was originally from an AS3 project and I am currently using it in this AS2 project...Can that be the issue? if so can you tell me what the correct AS2 code would be for this looping timing effect...thanks John
  5. Can anyone help me with this?
  6. Okay first off I need to say that I am new to AS3 and using tweening engines such as greensocks. I've played around with it a bit and I have to say that its great. Im hoping to build my new site using greensocks so that all my tweens run smoothly on all computers which I've noticed can be slow on some and faster on others when I do the tweens on the frames. Okay right now I have a video clip within a movie clip which I would like to play in the background...my instance name is water, the video clip is 201 frames long and I would like it to play for 5 seconds then loop continously. Can someone help me out with the code...I currently have it setup with tweener and have the timetween setup but I dont know how to make it loop, can someone transform the code so that I can do it with greensocks...any help would be greatly appreciated, here is the code I have now. Im also not sure if I need to download the new timeline engines aswell as the TweenLite engines, please let me know...thanks. ----------------------------- import caurina.transitions.*; import caurina.transitions.properties.*; DisplayShortcuts.init(); Tweener.addTween(water, {_frame:201, time:5.0, transition:"linear"}); ------------------------------
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