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remove item from manager (free as2 transform manager)

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I am trying to build a small application with the Free AS2 TransformManager. I can't buy the current version, because I am a student and have to earn that money next months.


Is there a way to kick Items out of the free Manager, like ignoredObjects? I have some Items which should be after transforming stay, but it shouldn't be possible to transform these anymore. I haven't found a method for this.

I appreciate every help.

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Sorry, but no - there were a LOT of improvements in the latest (non-free) version. In fact, I completely rewrote it from the ground up. It's painful for me to look at the old free version now because the new one is soooo much better. I'm sure that's not what you were hoping to hear, though. Sorry :(


There is educational pricing available on the new one - just contact me via e-mail or private message in the forums.

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