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Randomly change tint on multiple movie clips

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I have about 22 movie clips, all a solid color with a naming convention of light_mc1, light_mc2, light_mc3 and so on. I currently have all of their transparency values set to about 60%. All of them are currently different colors. I would like them to smoothly transition colors at set intervals (about 1-2 seconds each transition, but 1.5 is ideal). I need them to change in unison. Or if possible, have them all change at slightly different intervals, but keep the 1.5 second transition time. SOrry, but I am unabale to upload an example at this time.

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They all need to become different tints. Different random tints. I can get random with tint:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, but not a different color for each. Also, I need this to repeat for the duration of the animation unil a specified frame (I am not sure which frame that will be as of yet, so let's just say frame 1000 for now).


When I say repeat, I mean if light_mc turns from color x to color y, it needs to turn from color y to color z to another random color the next time and so on for all MCs


Edit: I also seem to be hacing trouble with the updateto call.


Is it







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They all need to become different tints. Different random tints. I can get random with tint:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, but not a different color for each. Also, I need this to repeat for the duration of the animation unil a specified frame (I am not sure which frame that will be as of yet, so let's just say frame 1000 for now).


When I say repeat, I mean if light_mc turns from color x to color y, it needs to turn from color y to color z to another random color the next time and so on for all MCs


What do you mean "but not a different color for each"? Isn't a color the same as a tint in this case?


I'd probably do something like:


var i:int = myArrayOfClips.length;
while (i--) {

function randomTint(mc:DisplayObject):void {
   TweenMax.to(mc, 1.5, {tint:uint(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF), onComplete:randomTint, onCompleteParams:[mc], delay:Math.random()});


And then when you need to stop the tweens, just loop through your myArrayOfClips and use TweenLite.killTweensOf() for each clip.


Is it








Neither. It's:


var myTween:TweenMax = new TweenMax(mc, 1, {tint:0xFF0000});
//then later...

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That works perfectly! Thanks. I didn't know about the randomtint function. Is that part of GreenSock, or Flash itself? Also, is there any way to have the tint be random, but exclude a color range? I only ask because these lght_mc* clips are strobe lights like at a dicso. It would be nice to exclude blacks/dark greys if at all possible.

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is there any way to have the tint be random, but exclude a color range? I only ask because these lght_mc* clips are strobe lights like at a dicso. It would be nice to exclude blacks/dark greys if at all possible.


Sure, but that's beyond the scope of the stuff I typically address in these forums - you'd need to separate each R/G/B component of the hex value and apply whatever limits you want and then combine them.

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