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Licensing question

danedington test
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I will soon be developing a number of small, flash style games that will be available to paying members of my client's website. I'm a bit confused with how the different licences work... Do I, the developer, need to pay for a licence for myself or does my client need to own the licence? Will the license need to be renewed yearly after I have delivered the games to my client?

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Great question, @danedington. Here's an excerpt from the FAQ section of https://greensock.com/licensing:



What if I develop a commercial product for my client who will be the one selling the product? Who needs the “Business Green” membership?

To make it easier on GreenSock customers, the policy is that the development company needs to maintain a valid “Business Green” membership. If, for example, Company A develops a Work Product that uses TweenLite/Max and sells it to Company B who will be licensing it to end users, Company A must maintain a “Business Green” membership. Company B would not be required to have a membership. If, however, Company B prefers to maintain a membership instead, that is perfectly acceptable as long as it wouldn’t reduce the club level, meaning if the development company has 20 developers and Company B has 1 developer, it wouldn’t be fair to circumvent the terms by only having Company B get a single developer membership. A 20-developer membership would be required.



So basically a "Business Green" license is required, but we don't really care which one of you gets it (you or your client). If you get the license, it covers an unlimited number of your sites/products/apps/games as long as it's active. If your client wants to start editing your work (code), they'd need to get their own license. Fair enough? 


If you choose the annual license, yes, you'd just need to keep that active as long as there are fees being collected from multiple customers for your site/app/product/game (including microtransactions). This is what allows us to continue support and development of the tools which is a GOOD thing for folks like you who depend on the tools. It's why GreenSock hasn't suffered the fate of most other libraries that become obsolete or stagnant within a year or two.  To understand the "why" behind our license, I'd encourage you to read https://greensock.com/why-license/ 


Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Hopefully you'll find that the license pays for itself literally in a matter of days or weeks and then ultimately makes you more profitable. 

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