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How to animate to an element?

elschnuppero test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi there,


i'm currently building a site, where the user is scrolling through content horizontally (yeah i know, its a client request). In this content i implemented some aweful scrollstops with "overflow: hidden" on body & html (yeah, i know again, tell the client pls :)) 


The user can remove the  "overflow: hidden" by clicking a button and the protagonist in the scene will be animating to a certain point and then keeps on scrolling.


The problem i have  is: The scrollstops arent very reliable and it can happen - depending on the scrollspeed - that the triggerelement triggers the scrollstop too late. This reduces the space to the point where the protagonist in the scene is animating to and this is why i whonder if there is a possibility to animate to a certain element and not with values? (right now in this second i realised that i just could calculate the value between the two elements somehow, but maybe there is an easy way to this problem)


Thank you

See the Pen GELNRo by ElSchnuppero (@ElSchnuppero) on CodePen

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Hi @elschnuppero :)


Welcome to the forum.


I'm not sure I completely understand the question and it seems to be more about ScrollMagic rather than GSAP. That being said, if you want to tween to a specific div, the ScrollTo plugin can take care of that for you and you can easily scroll horizontally.




Hopefully that helps. Happy tweening.



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Thank you for your response.


Its a little bit tough to explain. The issue is not related to scrollmagic. I dont want to scroll to a div (but i will probably rely on that in case i dont find another solution), i want an object animate to a div thats not necessarily having the same distance to the object (the distance might relate to the scrollspeed of the user).

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