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Not messing the animations

coderpunky test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi im new the forum and in the gsap world, i was making one of the petr tichy worskhop of gsap and one of them was making a slider, but we cant scroll through images , i make a codepen and try tu put the event mousewheel but i always end up messing all the animation, can anyone help me with this?


Thnx and happy tweening!

See the Pen jwXrgG by JulesthanP (@JulesthanP) on CodePen


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thanks mikel for the exaple and the help! i can use this as template nad i know how to use the mousewheel, but i want to know how to put the event mousewheel in this project! and im breaking my head in two jajaj well i hope some can help me with this

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Hi @OSUblake


im watching very i can't figure it out what i missing, i dont know if is that im soy frustrated or what.


im think to make the same thing that i do with de navigation click, but with the musewheel event, but i fishish always messy the greensocks animations

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Hi @coderpunky


I know you sent me some private messages about this, but we do like to keep the answers in the public forum so everyone can learn from them. I'm not understanding your question about using the mousewheel. If you look at the demo from @OSUblake that @mikel posted, you'll see he has a few ways of controlling the slides. Buttons, arrow keys or the mousewheel. The mousewheel script starts on line 121 of that demo. You should be able to combine his demo with your photos and text to achieve your goal.


You can also fork Blake's demo and take it apart piece by piece if there is something you don't understand. If you have GSAP related problems as you continue with your project, we'd be happy to help. 


Happy tweening.


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