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Garbage after Reloading iOS Browser influence timelineLite negatively ?

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Please Remove the Topic.  


Issue relays on latest TimeLineLite (1.19.1).  


Issue is not reproducable on version 1.17 or older. So we are back to version 1.17


Thank you,






I'm confused, I thought you had a much longer post originally.

Are you saying you would rather stick with 1.17 into the foreseeable future and sacrifice all benefits we've added to the platform since then instead of leaving a description of the issue so that we can investigate it and potentially fix it?

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Yes, i removed the long Post since i am afraid i wont be able to build a proper Test environment for that within CodePen.  

The problem is already reported by me last year when 1.18 came out and with the latest 1.19.1 the issue still exists.   


Short sad, on iOS 10 in complex Multi stacked Timelines (TimelineLite and TimelineMax tested also) the Timelines ignores Pauses and delays and jump to the end of the timeline.   To reproduce it:


- Build a Stacked Timeline structure

- Reload the Page on iOS 10 (on iPhone or on Safari Dev Mode)

- Scroll the page up/down during the Reload phase


In most cases some of the Timelines will simple jump to the end skipping all other frames.


Using version 1.17 the problem is not reproducable. Using newer version than that, the problem exists. 


We are more than interested to use the latest features and being up to date. However we have over 3Million customers using our Product, and having this issue on board presses us to go back to the last working version.   Please let us know if there is any way we can discuss about this in some kind of direct form ?


Thank you for your understanding and your patience,




Sorry to hear about the trouble, @themepunch. We definitely want to make sure that any bugs are fixed. Can you tell me where you reported the issue in 1.18? 


It's extremely difficult to troubleshoot blind, so any help you could offer in providing a reduced test case would be greatly appreciated. Nobody else has reported any such issues (to my knowledge at least). 


There's nothing in GSAP that's even remotely linked to scrolling or the scroll position (except ScrollToPlugin of course) - are you using a 3rd party library like ScrollMagic or something? Perhaps the problem is there? Or not - I just really need some way to see the problem in order to diagnose things and fix it. 


Does the problem exist in this [pre-release] as well?: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/TweenMax-latest-beta.js


If you need custom [paid] consulting services that go beyond the basic help we provide free in the forums, we can certainly talk about scheduling that. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to explore that. 

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