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Transform manager and display list [SOLVED]

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I noticed -at least the way I am going about it that when movieclips are nested inside movieclips -the transformManager doesn't like them.


What I want to accomplish is to display a gallery in a scrollbar -nest the movies in that scrollbar, and then drag them from the scrollbar and place them in a designated area. (reparenting on stopDrag)


once placed -I dissable startDrag(); and stopDrag(); and have an event place the movieclip into transformManager -it "doesn't play nicely".


Either I'm doing it wrong, or is transformManager not set up to work with movieclips inside other movieclips :?:


You're using the AS3 version of TransformManger, right? You mentioned the display list, so I assume so.


As stated in the documentation and on the blog, all of the items that a particular TransformManager is managing must share the same parent. It's a long explanation as to why. But if you want to reparent things, you could create a new TransformManager instance to manage that reparented clip.

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