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blur vs motion blur

tean test
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what would be the difference?


i mean if i want to fake it, and (for example) want to send one movieclip out of stage, one movieclip into stage, i could get away with somehting like this:


var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = 50;
blur.blurY = 0;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
mc2.filters = [blur];
TweenLite.to( mc1, 1, { x: -100, onUpdate:Blur });//send out of stage and blur
TweenLite.to( mc2, 1, { x: 300, blurFilter:{ blurX:0 } });//send into stage and unblur
function Blur():void {
mc.filters = [blur];

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Key differences:


1) motionBlur automatically adjusts its angle dynamically. Normal BlurFilters can only blurX and blurY (horizontal or vertical). So if your object is moving at a 45-degree angle, motionBlur will look natural whereas a plain BlurFilter won't.


2) The amount of blur is completely dynamic in a motionBlur - it watches the velocity of your tweening object and figures out how much it should be blurred.


But in your scenario, you very well may not notice any difference. If you're going in a straight horizontal or vertical line, feel free to do a standard blurFilter tween.

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i did a little searching and found a code which compares object last position on the x and y axis in enter frame and then makes a blur according to that, but it still uses mc.filters = [ new BlurFilter( _blurX * _factor, _blurY * _factor, _quality ) ];


can i ask how are you blurring the object (in motion blur) if you are not using blur filter?

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