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Everything posted by tean

  1. thank you for this, you are right, i thought something was wrong with my compiler btw, greensock could have done it like this: if ($target == null) { throw new Error("damn, these words are expensive :)"); return }
  2. well, i am not getting an error, dont really know why, probably my flash cs3 is gone crazy...
  3. sure, it cant be any simpler... ofcourse, maybe i am missing something even if i write it like this i get nothing: import gs.TweenLite; var arr:Array = [q0,q1,q2]; for (var k:int = 0; k < 5; k++) { try { TweenLite.to( arr[k], 1, { y: 100 }); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); } }
  4. but I am not getting any error if i try that.
  5. i have 3 moviclips on the stage named q0,q1,q2. var arr:Array = [q0,q1,q2]; for (var k:int = 0; k < 5; k++) { trace(arr[k]); TweenLite.to( arr[k], 1, { y: 100 }); } last 2 will be undefined but it wont throw an error... this is meant to be?
  6. let say i have this code: for (var i:int = 0; i < num; i++) { TweenLite.to( objArray[i], 1, { x: objArray[i].x + 100, delay: i * 0.1 }); } 1.would the objects finished where i wanted them? or in other words does setting destination like so: actually means their current position (before the tween has started) + 100 ? 2.what would happen if i call the loop one more time before previous one has finished ? does this mean these values are now relative (if set this way) and objects wont finish on their previous position (before even first loop started) + 200 ? thanks!
  7. like this: http://npacemo.com/wordpress/2008/11/23 ... ur-to-ape/
  8. i did a little searching and found a code which compares object last position on the x and y axis in enter frame and then makes a blur according to that, but it still uses mc.filters = [ new BlurFilter( _blurX * _factor, _blurY * _factor, _quality ) ]; can i ask how are you blurring the object (in motion blur) if you are not using blur filter?
  9. what would be the difference? i mean if i want to fake it, and (for example) want to send one movieclip out of stage, one movieclip into stage, i could get away with somehting like this: var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(); blur.blurX = 50; blur.blurY = 0; blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM; mc2.filters = [blur]; TweenLite.to( mc1, 1, { x: -100, onUpdate:Blur });//send out of stage and blur TweenLite.to( mc2, 1, { x: 300, blurFilter:{ blurX:0 } });//send into stage and unblur function Blur():void { mc.filters = [blur]; }
  10. if i have a movieclip on the stage and i do this: stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, handleMouseWheel); function handleMouseWheel(e:MouseEvent):void { var _delta:int = e.delta > 0 ? 1 : -1; mc.y += _delta * 20; } and if i roll my mouse wheel once movieclip will move by 20, and if i roll mouse wheel multiple times in one go, for example 4 times, movieclip will move by 80. is there a way to do this with tweenlite? i tried it like this by the effect is not the same: TweenLite.to(mc, .5, {y:String(_delta * 20)}); (while i am rolling the mouse wheel movieclip moves constantly, but as soon as i let it go, it just finished one more tween). i would like if i roll 4 times for example that it tweens that distance? is that possible?
  11. does using this method needs some kind of check if the tweens exist? or is it acting like a removeEventListener, if a listener is there it will be removed and if its not, no problem
  12. how could i interupt and reverse a tween without version 11?
  13. if i say this: TweenLite.to(mc, 0, {width:partialWidth, height:partialHeight}); is this the same as saying: mc.width = partialWidth; mc.height = partialHeight; or there will be any visible difference?
  14. if I have couple of tweens with random delays, could I found out how long are they going to last (or the one that is going to last the longest) so I can set that time to another tween? TweenLite.to(mc1, time, {x: num, delay: Math.random() }); TweenLite.to(mc2, time, {x: num, delay: Math.random() }); TweenLite.to(mc3, time, {x: num, delay: Math.random() }); TweenLite.to(mc4, time, {x: num, delay: Math.random() }); TweenLite.to(mc5, this_needs_to_last_as_long_as_all_others, {x: num });
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