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TimelineMax with TweenAlign.START, 0.2 [SOLVED]

peterPotter test
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I have a bunch of MovieClips and I am trying to animate each clip's z property (using yoyo), but I want the start time for each TweenLite animation to stagger. here is my code:


var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:1, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:0, TweenAlign.START, 0.2});
	for(var i:int=0; i < mainClip.thumbPanel.numChildren; i++)
			var thisThumb:MovieClip = MovieClip(mainClip.thumbPanel.getChildAt(i));
			timeline.insert( TweenLite.to(thisThumb, 0.2, {z:-700, ease:Expo.easeOut}) );


I know my syntax (TweenAlign.START, 0.2) is incorrect. What is the correct syntax?


Thanks very much. Usually I figure out these things on my own, but I am on a tight schedule with the project I am developing. Sorry for the few questions.

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You could accomplish this many ways. Here's one:


//create an array that stores all our tweens for insertion later
var myTweens:Array = []; 

//create a tween for each child, dump it into the array
for (var i:int = 0; i     myTweens.push( TweenLite.to(mainClip.thumbPanel.getChildAt(i), 0.2, {z:-700, ease:Expo.easeOut}) );

//dump them into a timeline that staggers the start time of the tweens by 0.2 seconds (and yoyo the timeline)
var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({tweens:myTweens, repeat:1, yoyo:true, repeatDelay:0, align:TweenAlign.START, stagger:0.2});


Then you can control the whole sequence easily with the timeline instance - pause(), resume(), reverse(), play(), restart(), gotoAndPlay(), etc.


Another option would be to use the TweenMax.allTo() method in conjunction with the appendMultiple() or insertMultiple() methods of TimelineMax/Lite. Either way works fine. There are some other ways too, but I don't want to confuse anyone :)

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