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Can I detect event when I finish transform manager job?

Richard Ryu test
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I'd like to detect the event when I release or finish transform manager.


e.g. finish move or finish scale or finish rotate..


If I finish doing job such as moving, rotation, scaling at a time,

I want to get event handler so that apply mask job.


mc0Item.addEventListener(TransformEvent.FINISH_INTERACTIVE_MOVE, onFinishClip);


if then, How can I find the name of movie clip in onFinishClip method?


function onFinishClip(event:TransformEvent):void{

    var mc:MovieClip = event.currentTarget as MovieClip // error occurred




2nd Mouse pointer's disappeared when I finish to move the movie clip with transform manager.

I don't know why this problem occurred but After moving or rotating the movie clip, mouse pointer had disappeared for a while.

How can I resolve it?

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