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TweenMax.js Scale animation is laggy on desktop Firefox and Mobile

farhoudz test
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Go to solution Solved by OSUblake,

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hello Respectful GSAP community,


I am trying to scale up a Fixed Action Button to achieve a special effect of Material Design but I have some frustrating problems which I do not know why these happen,


first of all the scale animation that I am trying to achieve is very laggy on desktop Firefox (Latest version) and Mobile browsers (I have tried on iOS 8 safari and iOS chrome) as you can see in my Codepen example,


Second, How could I make the first three steps of my Timeline to happen at the same time and then the forth step? Because Now steps other than the first one wait until the scale animation is finished and then start to act and I don't know why!


I have just simulated the Scale part because only that is performing laggy!


Regards and thanks in advance.

See the Pen qdYNVy by fzolhayat (@fzolhayat) on CodePen

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Thanks for the demo. 

Tweens added to a timeline will naturally play in sequence. To get them all to play at the same time or have any offsets use the position parameter.

All 3 tweens are inserted at time(0)

compAnim.set(".post-modal", {y: -45})
  .to(".main-action", 0.5, {scale: 100, transformOrigin: "center center"}, 0)
  .to(".md-create", 0.2, {rotation: 90, transformOrigin: "center center", opacity: 0}, 0)
  .to(".md-close", 0.2, {rotation: 90, transformOrigin: "center center", opacity: 1}, 0)



Please watch both the videos here to see exactly how flexible and powerful the position parameter is




Regarding FireFox, not sure what to tell you besides the fact that its performance is often disappointing.

I think you could try scaling to a smaller size, but check out the CSS-only animation.


It doesn't look good on FireFox on my beefy MBP.

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Thank you for the response as always Carl,


What about Mobile browsers like iOS safari or Mobile Chrome? because They are also laggy!


The CSS-Only version is performing well even on firefox but I am not sure I could make it a sequenced animation like what I can do using GSAP, The only way I know is to use onComplete on my Tween steps in order to use jQuery addClass method and handle it the CSS way, But the problem is that I can not reverse the whole animation like what I am able to do using GSAP because the Timeline does not use removeClass on reverse method,


I hope I could describe my concern well,



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Weird. there are definite and noticeable hiccups in FF for me. 


currently you are scaling an item that is 55px wide to 100 times its size (5,500px). 


I would experiment with using a smaller scale that is customized based on the actual size of the viewport.

I noticed that even on my large desktop browser window that the object tweens to a size MUCH larger than it needs to and thus a large percentage of the object scaling is still running but there is nothing new to see as all the change is happening off screen. In essence a majority of the frames being rendered are being wasted and by tweening to such a large value there is a greater amount of change in between updates which also makes things look less smooth.


I also suspect that you could scale for a shorter amount of time  to a smaller size and even before the circle fully covers the viewport you could snap to a very large scale (filling the entire screen) and trick the eye into thinking it was growing the entire time. 

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So how would you suggest to snap to a very large scale so the user eye could be tricked? 


Actually for the first part of your feedback I think I can get the viewport width just before Scaling the circle and after that pass that value in order to be calculated for the Scale value.


Regards and thank you for your kind support.

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I've done a ripple effect like that before, but I used the canvas instead of scaling an element. To make sure the growth of the circle looked constant no matter where it started from, I had to calculate a radius that would cover the exact size of the window. You can do this by finding the largest distance between the starting point and all four corners of the window. 


See the Pen eNrQqV by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen

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  • Solution

Hi farhoudz,


Here's a fork of your demo. I just commented out some of your lines. The problem you were having is that you were calling the createRipple function on every click, which was overwritting the original timeline, so the radius always started from 0. I just separated the click and timeline creation functions.


See the Pen WvyoRK by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks OSUblake It was smart to use the progress method of GSAP but if I play my Timeline for example in iPad landscape mode and as it is finished playing change the orientaion of the screen and then try to reverse the Timeline progress then it just reverses the canvas animation progress and not all the other elements in my Timeline together so all my other elements remain at the finished Timeline progress position and not animate back as I use the reverse method! , Here is my Timeline code:

compAnim = new TimelineMax({
    onUpdate: drawRipple.bind(ripple)        

}).set(".post-modal", {
    y: -15})        

.to(ripple, 0.3, {            
    radius: radius,
    ease: Power2.easeIn        
}, 0)        

.to(".md-create", 0.2, {
    rotation: 90,
    transformOrigin: "center center",
    opacity: 0}, 0)        

.to(".md-close", 0.2, {            
    rotation: 90,
    transformOrigin: "center center",
    opacity: 1}, 0)        

.to(".post-modal", 0.1, {            
    display: "block",
    y: 0,
    alpha: 1});
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Yeah, in that situation reverse won't work correctly because the new timeline does not know what to reverse those elements to. Luckily, the fix is real easy. I just used a fromTo tween, but you could also do something like clearProps or set when creating a new timeline.


See the Pen 5ff9490a104aa93b6824f2639ab7ecc4 by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen

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