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How can I force each segment of TimelineMax to be TweenMax instead of TweenLite as it seems it is happening now.


I have:

var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax();
tl.to(mc, 1, {x:100});

if I check this with 

trace ( tl.getActive(false,true,false)[0]; )

 I will get TimelineLite.



do I have to do tl.add ( TweenMax.... ) or there is a way to make TweenMax to be default for each addition to TimelineMax if lined with .to, .from, .fromTo ... ?


You meant to say TweenLite, not TimelineLite, right? 


Yeah, in order to optimize performance and minimize memory usage, the convenience methods default to using TweenLite UNLESS you define a "repeat" special property AND you have TweenMax loaded (because that's the only case that it's particularly useful). Otherwise, yes, if you want to force it to be a TweenMax, you can just use the add() method and pass in the TweenMax instance. 


Do you mind me asking why you want the convenience methods to use TweenMax? 

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