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.kill( revert:boolean, allowAnimation:Boolean )

Kills the ScrollTrigger instance, immediately unpinning and restoring any pin-related changes made to the DOM by ScrollTrigger and removing all scroll-related listeners, etc. so that the instance is eligible for garbage collection. If you only want to temporarily disable the ScrollTrigger, use the disable() method instead.


  • revert: boolean

    Determines whether or not the elements should be reverted to their pre-ScrollTriggered state after the ScrollTrigger is killed. true by default.

  • allowAnimation: Boolean

    By default, any associated animation will be killed but if allowAnimation is true, it won't kill() the animation.


Kills the ScrollTrigger instance, immediately unpinning and restoring any pin-related changes made to the DOM by ScrollTrigger and removing all scroll-related listeners, etc. so that the instance is eligible for garbage collection. If you only want to temporarily disable the ScrollTrigger, use the disable() method instead.

To prevent the animation from being reverted when it is killed, simply pass false as the parameter. For example ST.kill(false).
