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Returns : Timeline

A new Timeline instance containing the root tweens and timelines


Seamlessly transfers all tweens, timelines, and [optionally] delayed calls from the root timeline into a new timeline so that you can perform advanced tasks on a seemingly global basis without affecting tweens/timelines that you create after the export.

For example, imagine a game that uses the GSAP for all of its animations and at some point during the game, you want to slow everything down to a stop (animating the timeScale) while at the same time animating a new popup window into place:

var tl = gsap.exportRoot();, { duration: 0.5, timeScale: 0 });
//this tween isn't affected because it's created after the export.
{ scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 },
{ duration: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }

You could then re-animate things when you're ready by tweening the timeScale back to 1. Or you could use exportRoot() to collect all the animations and pause() them and then animate the popup screen (or whatever). Then resume() that instance or even reverse().

You can exportRoot() as many times as you want; all it does is wrap all the loose tweens, timelines, and delayedCalls into a timeline which itself gets placed onto the root, so if you exportRoot() again, that timeline would get wrapped into another one, etc. Things can be nested as deeply as you want.

Note: Completed tweens and timelines are removed from the globalTimeline (for automatic garbage collection), so if you exportRoot() after a particular tween completes, it won't be included in the export.