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  1. Thank you all for answering the question. The examples you have given were great and helped get me through this issue. I do have one question though. Why use rotation:0.01? Does this kick in the GPU? Todd
  2. Hello, I have created a very simple animation that animates HTML sections onto the page when the page is scrolled. When I scroll I notice some glitching on the animation. I have tried CSS animation and it works fine, but want to understand why I'm having this issue with GSAP. I have attached the codepen I have created and when you scroll a little faster on the page you will notice the issue. Thank you, Todd
  3. Thank you Jonathan, Carl and Jack for the quick replies. It was always worth a try. If I find any good libraries I will let you know. I might just have to fake it for now. Keep up the great work Jack and Carl.
  4. Hello, I'm using TweenMax to try to do a rotationX on a Bitmap that I have added to the stage using EaselJS. Does anyone know if it is possible? I have looked at this post but it has been over a year and I didn't know if something might have changed. http://community.createjs.com/discussions/easeljs/462-integration-with-greensock-tweenmax-tweenlite Here is the code: _rodHolderCover = new createjs.Bitmap("images/rodCover1.png"); stage.addChild(_rodHolderCover); _rodHolderCover.addEventListener('mousedown', handleKeyDown); then in the event handler I have this. TweenMax.to(_rodHolderCover, 1,{rotationX: 180}); rotation works great and so does x and y,
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