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  1. Hey! So as you can see in this code pen, it has a very nice transition of panels when it scrolls, but when the start marker hits the scroller-start marker at the center exactly the panel is still invisible. The items appear when that start marker gets past the center. My question is: Is there a way to show the div when the start marker is exactly at the center and not wait until it gets past it? I hope my question was clear
  2. Brand new to this, but I'm not seeing the answer out there (maybe I'm looking up the wrong terms). Anyway, I'm doing a few tests, and I'm seeing a flash of the unanimated objects before they come on. For instance, if they animate from 0% scale to 100, they appear for an instant at full size before they disappear and the animation begins. It's only local at the moment, but I see it in both chrome and firefox. I'm using jquery for selectors, and both jquery, TweenMax, and the function to animate are all being loaded in the head before any of the elements are defined in the body html. Is there a typical way to resolve this or most likely cause to look at?
  3. Hi, I would like to set the visibility of a movie clip onReverseComplete. Is there a way to call a method (.visible = false) in onReverseComplete or any other way, instead of creating a function that solely is responsible for calling movieClip.visible = false;
  4. Brickyenne

    Proper use of Scope in Draggable

    Hello, I'm using Draggable with onDragEnd and onDragStart events to perform some tasks. In order to complete the onDragEnd tasks I need some variables defined inside the onDragStart function be visible inside the onDragEnd function. I see that's the purpose of onDragStartScope but it's not very explicit on how actually do that. Can you clarify this a bit more please? Thank you, your help will be appreciated.
  5. Hi al, It looks like toggeling the bitmapMode sometimes makes the clip disappear, when bimapMode is false. Somebody else has the same problem? This is what I do: function onClick(event:Event):void{ animating = !animating; if(animating){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ef, false, 0, true); BlitMaskMonuments.bitmapMode=true; }else{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ef); BlitMaskMonuments.bitmapMode=false; } }
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