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Found 6 results

  1. Hi all, Im having trouble triggering my 'slideshow', i got the basics working with the timeline, but whenever i restart it, the 'x : ''-='' doenst add the amount, but starts from the previous x value. I have a 'activeCount' variable running, which disables the buttons when the max amount of slides is reached. This part works fine in the console, but ofcourse not really visible when the timeline isn't working correctly. Can someone help me with this? Cheers.
  2. Hi, I'm new to the forums, new to GreenSock GSAP too. So far I'm using it quite effectively with the 5% of what I've worked with I've got a bit of an issue trying to get a small script working. I wonder if anyone can help. The following code effects the x property with a randomisation of 2 possible values (-100% or 100%) which all works great: var wipeAnimation = new TimelineMax() .staggerFromTo('section.panelx', 1, { x:function(){ var randWay = parseInt((Math.random() * 2) + 1); if(randWay == 1) return "-100%"; else if(randWay == 2) return "100%"; } }, {x: "0%", y: "0%", ease: Linear.easeNone}, 1) The issue I have is that I also would like to randomise the property itself between 'x' and 'y' with the randomised value of before (-100% or 100%) var wipeAnimation = new TimelineMax() .staggerFromTo('section.panelx', 1, { function(){ var randWay = parseInt((Math.random() * 4) + 1); if(randWay == 1) return {x:"-100%"}; else if(randWay == 2) return {x:"100%"}; else if(randWay == 3) return {y:"-100%"}; else if(randWay == 4) return {y:"100%"}; } }, {x: "0%", y: "0%", ease: Linear.easeNone}, 1) I'm trying to return both the property and value as one as an object but does't seem to understand. Is there a way to do this? Many thanks Dal1980
  3. Hi guys, Looking for just a quick yes or no, as its been a long day, and I can't find the energy to write a full demo/test. If I create a timeline like: var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.to('.someClass', 3, {height: 100}); Then I save that timeline in a data attribute like: $('body').data('someTimeline', tl); Are these then referencing the same timeline, as an object? Or has it just copied over the values, as a variable? As it's instantiated, I'd assume it's being used by reference, but I can't be sure. In case I'm not clear enough, if I were to run the following: tl.seek(1); Would this change be represented within: $('body').data('someTimeline').play(); And vice versa? Thanks a lot!
  4. Hello everybody ! How are you there ? Since my last post here, I improved a lot of things and I changed color of my illustration (not yet in function of the local time, but it's coming ! ), thank's to Diaco.AW Here is the codepen attached to this topic : http://codepen.io/BibiCoding/pen/VLpLmW But today I'm here because I have an initial gradient with 13 children "stop", but then in the other gradient, I would like to have only 7 colors in the gradient. That's why I decided to include Jquery to select children, then to make a table for new colors that I want ( couleurCiel[] ). I've done a loop with the var "c" which represent a child of the gradient (incremented at the end of the loop with "c++" and the var "i" to watch the associated table. There's an other table "offset[]" with value of the new gradient offset i would like to have. But you'll see in the codepen that without changing the offset, it only change the color of the "Defaults" gradient but not it's offset, so that there is a huge black gap on the top ! The question is : How i could change the gradient offset and include this in my loop ? And is my code well written ? The staggerFromTo is a good solution in my case ? Moreover, you'll see that the animation is not really fancy, it goes one color after an other and it would be wonderfull if each children could changes at the same time (overlapping tweens ?) Thanks a lot and have a nice sunny day ( I hope for you )
  5. Hi, I am trying to increase the strength of the glow effect. I am using the following code: TweenMax.to(mc, 0.3, {glowFilter:{color:0xFFFFFF, alpha:1, blurX:30, blurY:30}}); I am not looking forward to increase the blur radius just trying to achieve a heavier glow especially around the movieclip. Is it possible somehow? I have tried increasing the "alpha" value but it doesn't work above the max value 1. My only other possible option would be to stack another glowFilter tween on the same movieclip but it may result in performance problems. Thanks, Attila
  6. Hello all. So I've been using relative values in my tweens for quite a large project and I've noticed that with the latest update, the relative values are interpreted as absolute values when declared without an equals sign. I've been doing y:"-50" for animating an objects relative position in the y-axis instead of y:"-=50", for example, causing the object to animate off the top of the screen. There are a lot of these scattered across many files, so while updating them manually wouldn't be out of the question, it would be an immense pain to do so. I was wondering, if it isn't too much of a hassle, if the library could have backwards compatibility for the old way of declaring relative values. Thanks.
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