Right off the bat, the JS TweenMax is picking up where they left off in Flash. Digging it. I demoed out EaselJS and KineticJS. Not sure if you need a framework, but a good animation engine and some basic prototype Javascript Objects, and I"m getting pretty close to what I could do with Flash. MouseOver and MouseOut are the biggest challenges of this platform. So, I got to a point that I want to use TweenMax to animate specific values in the javascript space. This is what I have so far.
Tweening a javascript number variable, with ease.
var siteY;
var maxY = 800;
var wheel_speed = .2;
function MouseWheelHandler(event) {
var wheelY = event.wheelDelta || event.detail;
var newSiteY = (siteY*1) + (wheelY*-wheel_speed);
if(newSiteY < 0) newSiteY = 0;
if(newSiteY > maxY) newSiteY = maxY;
/// This is where I'm not sure. How do I animate the value of "siteY"? It's in the main javascript file that does all of the logic. It also drives positioning of page elements. I want the TweenLite to give that mouse wheel value ease.
TweenLite.to(siteY, 1, {value:newSiteY, ease:Elastic.easeOut, onUpdate:drawCanvas});
Is there some type of variable declaration I'm missing for declaring the DOM space, or Javascript space or something? I think this would come in handy for a lot of values, and animation techniques. Or, is my approach wrong?