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  1. JacobHaitsma

    TLFTextField borderColor Tween

    Quick question. I'm trying to use TweenMax to (smoothly) tween the borderColor property of my TLFTextField from one uint to another, and have had no luck so far. I can't quite figure out where to go from here: TweenMax.to(textField, 1, borderColor: ?? }); Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Jacob
  2. Hi - I'm working on a new project to ramp up my AS3 skills. One thing I have is a MC with a dynamic text filed within. The text field has html copy along with styles provided via external CSS. The MC scrolls, then once it hits the onComplete there's a slight delay, autoAlpha:0 then another onComplete to fade it back in / reposition at 0,0. Everything works fine, however the copy, once the animation is reset has major aliasing issues. The image will show the before and after: when I kill the alpha and just have a normal scroll it looks fine. Frankly I'm baffled as to why the copy went coo coo for cocoa puffs - any help, advice or guidance would be appreciated! Not sure if this is a common bug or not. Thanks!
  3. floouuu

    Text scroll performance

    Hello! First of all: Thank you for your great work! I`m trying to move a dynamic TextField from the bottom of the screen to the top and it works. It runs nice and smoothly on my PC. The problem starts when I run the .swf on a target, which is not as powerful as my developement PC. The text animation becomes quite choppy. I tried several things (cache text as bitmap via BitmapData, using TweenLite and now using BlitMask) to improove the performance and I could manage to get 11-12 FPS on the target hardware. That`s "ok".. but it would be nice to squeeze out some more FPS. Globally I define a Blitmask: var txtMask:BlitMask = null; I initialize it: txtMask = new BlitMask(txtMessage, 0, 680, movieWidth, textAreaHeight,true); ...and start the animation: txtMessage.text = msg; txtMessage.y = movieHeight; txtMessage.height = txtMessage.textHeight + 4; txtMask.update(null, true); TweenLite.to(txtMessage, Number((txtMessage.height + textAreaHeight) / textScrollSpeed), {y:(movieHeight - textAreaHeight - txtMessage.height),onComplete:onTextScrollFinish, ease:Linear.easeNone,onUpdate:txtMask.update,useFrames:false,immediateRender:true}); I also tried to tween the scrollY attribute of the BlitMask, but this didn't change anything (as expected). So I guess I just wanted to ask if someone has an idea how I could further inprove the performance of the TextField animation. Would it help to try the ThrowProps plugin? Thank you for your time
  4. Is it possible to tween properties of TLF textfields? Say I want to tween the tracking of a TLF textfield, How would I go about doing that? I tried giving an instance name to the TLF field and tweening the "tracking" property, but it returned a reference error # 1069 property not found. Any suggestions?
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