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Found 3 results

  1. I am trying to animate a cable with a plug using MorphSVG. Morphing both the cable and plug as one path gives distorted results, so I separated them. However, they do not animate together correctly. How can I sync these animations so that the plug stays on the end of the cable? I have two more of these types of animations that I need to build. Please see my codepen.
  2. I load a swf file in my application, and the swf have some tweens (TweenMax). The problem happens when I play and stop the object, like this: var swfloader:SWFLoader = SWFLoaderObject; //SWFLoaderObject is my swf loaded var tweens:Array = tweenMaxClass.getAllTweens(); for each(var tween:* in tweens) { tween.seek(0); //0 is example } swfloader.rawContent.gotoAndPlay(0); //0 is example The objects are out of sync, and can not correctly resume animations, either by stress processor or other problem.
  3. Hi Jack! I'm trying to synchronize sequence of audios obj_snd.attachSound("audio"+idAudio) and obj_snd.start(currentTween.position), with animation MyTimelineLite.append(TweenLite.to(obj_mc, 2 {_x:200, onStart:playAudio, onStartParams:[idAudio]}) Not found any topic about the issue and I think the greenSock (which is great) does not have native support this. I need to detect whether a tween has audio attached, and moving the slideControl (drag slide) resynchronize the audio related to that tween. (I think it would be something like onMidProgress:myFunc). I think the logic is to detect the occurrence of an append (TweenLite. ..), his CurrentProgress and see if it passes onStart: PlayAudio, onStart: Params [idAudio] to synchronize ... Other two questions: 1 - audios that last beyond the animation are not accounted for by the progressBar. 2 - I'm losing onStart event to position the marker of progress midle progress of a Tween. Annex. simple .FLA I appreciate any help, Thanks! sinc_audio_tween.zip
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