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  1. Hi I really hope someone can help, I've got a pie chart animating perfectly in all browsers EXCEPT IE Edge. It even works in IE10 / 11 fine. Just Edge I'm having issues with. It doesn't render anything. If I remove the tween animation then it renders fine, so the issue can't be with the mask - it's got to be with the tween. I've researched the forums and seen other code pens (by other devs) using the same concept that don't work in Edge edge either, here's one example: https://codepen.io/PointC/full/ZWEqdK again it works fine in all other browsers, just Edge! Any help will be much appreciated. I'm scratching my head here. Thanks Louisa
  2. Good evening, We having some problem with Drawsvg Plugin. I try to explain what is our problem: In this case, I have a Timeline, with the three states of some button ( the labels "over", "out" and "cli" severaly). In the third state ( the last), it launch the event "click" to execute the code in the "cli" Label. But, as we could see in the developer inspector, the property stroke-dasharray has changed when the DrawSVG is doing when we don´t change this element (polyline class="st1") in anytime. In the inspector you can see this value: stroke-dasharray: 0px, 999999px; Here we put the URL of the codePen that I make like a example: http://codepen.io/stoicom/pen/rrdAJj If you should take a look, and tell me which could be the problem, or error? Thank you very much for yout support. Best Regards!! Rogelio Silván.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to reveal a dashed line with drawsvg using a mask but the mask position seems to be off. I can increase the stroke-width for lines that don't overlap but when they do overlap in the codepen example, I need a more precise line. Anybody encounter this and know whats up? Thanks!
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