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  1. As an exercise I've been attempting to modify this tween that creates an infinite loop of images fading in with the first image showing on initial render and then will animate out after a delay. The change I'm trying to make is I want to translate AND fade images in while overlapping the previous image. The sequence I'm looking for is: After initial delay on first image Move old image up AND out right after starting to move the new image up and in on top of the previous image Rinse and repeat I'm having trouble with the timing of the stagger. I'm wondering if a label between the first and the last tween segment would help. I'm also struggling with overlapping image 1 over image 3 when the loop starts all over again. I'm sure adding a z-index somewhere would help but I don't know where. I think I could do a lot of cool stuff if I can master this pattern. In many ways this expected behavior is very similar to @Carl 's stagger example in the "GSAP: Beyond the Basic course" Greensock Staggers with Seamless Loops but The only difference I'm trying to merge the logic to have the first item visible on load and starts animating after a delay. Any help would be so so appreciated
  2. sashaikevich

    Cycle images using the new GSAP version

    I'd like to rewrite my image cycle animation using GSAP's latest code. It's cleaner, plus I want to attach it to the new ScrollTrigger, and fire the animation when it reaches a certain point on screen, and pause when its not in the viewport. However, I'm having a difficult time getting it to work. I've found examples using the deprecated cycler, and others using some nifty staggers. I got close with my code, but I just can't get rid of the fade (I'd like the active image to just appear without a transition, and have it stay visible for a fraction of a second). Bonus kudos if someone can help the cycle accelerate until a maximum. @swampthang and @OSUblake both seemed to get this to work by adding a timeScale fromTo tween on the timeline itself https://codepen.io/swampthang/pen/dpqyzO and https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/epLjrG. But, is that possible to do if the animation is going to be triggered by the ScrollTrigger?
  3. Timsig

    Cycle functions in GSAP3

    Hi, In the old syntax, you could pass a function to the cycle property of a stagger. Now that cycle has been replaced with gsap.utils.wrap, I am unclear as to how to achieve the same effect. The comments in the pen explain what i am trying to achieve. Thanks in advance for any help
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