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  1. Hey Green Socks Team, First of all thanks for all the amazing possibilities you provide 😊. I'm more of a Web Designer then Developer but feel comfortable to learn a bit of custom code to implement it in Webflow Projects with your help. For learning purpose I would like to understand, recreate and modify the "Infinite Scrolling Snapping Cards" example I tried to recreate it in Code Sandbox but it didn't work there (I think it is because you need the Scrollsmother Plugin to make it work but probably I missed something else too) Here is the link Sandbox Is there a way to get a similiar effect without the need of the premium plugin at first and get the license if I use it for a Commercial Project?
  2. Hello GSAP Family, It's always pleasant working with GSAP and today while doing so I have got an issue with scrollTrigger snap. I was working with functionality for which Snap is required and I have tried to add it but while I scroll down the snap goes back to previous section and not moving forward. Here is the pen. Please help me guys.
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