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  1. Hi! We really like this 3d carousel idea and tried to implement our own version. We have two main problems: 1 - Can't figure out how they made the scrolltrigger infinite 2 - Tried to add a drag option as well with Draggable plugin and wanted to bind it to the scrolltrigger so the card positions are in sync with it. Here is our implementation (couldnt make it as a pen because I'm lazy and dont know how to create a react envo in codepen but hey, here is the live demo if you wanna see how it looks and behaves): vars and useEffect: const numberOfCards = allCases.length; const angleOfCards = 360 / numberOfCards; const cardGaps = numberOfCards > 6 ? Math.pow(numberOfCards, 2.2) : -angleOfCards / numberOfCards; useEffect(() => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, Draggable); const root = rootRef.current; const container = containerRef.current; const cards = cardRefs.current; const dragProxy = dragProxyRef.current; // Mouse Tracking animation const onMouseMove = (e) => { if (!root || !container || !cards) return; const { clientX, clientY } = e; const { width: clientWidth, height: clientHeight } = root.getBoundingClientRect(); const rotateXVal = (clientY - clientHeight / 2) * 0.06; const rotateYVal = (clientWidth / 2 - clientX) * 0.01; container.style.transform = `rotateX(${rotateXVal}deg) rotate(${rotateYVal}deg)`; }; document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove); // Gsap Animations with scroll and drag const ctx = gsap.context(() => { if (!root || !container || !cards || !dragProxy) return; // Drag Draggable.create(dragProxy, { type: "x", trigger: cards, bounds: container, onDrag: function () { const progress = (this.startX - this.x) * 0.008; cards.forEach((card, idx) => { card.style.transform = `rotateY(${ (idx + progress) * angleOfCards }deg) translateZ(320px) translate3d(0px,0px,${cardGaps}px)`; }); }, }); // Scroll ScrollTrigger.create({ pin: true, scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: false, start: "top top", end: "+=10000", //i set the end as a big number to at least rotate the carousel one whole turn since i can't make it infinite tried to mimic it trigger: root, // markers: true, }); cards.forEach((card, idx) => { ScrollTrigger.create({ scrub: true, start: "top top", end: "max", trigger: container, onUpdate: (self) => { gsap.delayedCall(0.1, () => { card.style.transform = `rotateY(${ (idx + self.progress * 10) * angleOfCards }deg) translateZ(320px) translate3d(0px,0px,${Math.abs( (cardGaps * (cards.length + 5)) / cards.length )}px)`; }); gsap.delayedCall(1, () => { card.style.transform = `rotateY(${ (idx + self.progress * 10) * angleOfCards }deg) translateZ(320px) translate3d(0px,0px,${cardGaps}px)`; }); }, }); }); }); return () => { ctx.revert(); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove); }; }, []); JSX: <section className={s.root} ref={rootRef}> <div className={s.carouselContainer} ref={containerRef}> {allCases && allCases.map((c, idx) => { return ( <div key={c.id} onMouseEnter={() => setSelectedCaseIdx(idx)} style={{ transform: `rotateY(${ idx * angleOfCards }deg) translateZ(320px) translate3d(0px,0px,${cardGaps}px)`, }} ref={(e) => createRefs(cardRefs, e, idx)} className={s.carouselCard} > <CustomLink link={c.caseLink} className="z-10"> <NextImage layout="fill" media={c.bgImg} objectFit="cover" className="rounded-lg" /> <div className={s.content}> <p className={classNames(s.description, "text-lg")}> {c.description} </p> <h3 className={s.bigTitle}>{c.bigTitle}</h3> </div> </CustomLink> </div> ); })} </div> <div ref={dragProxyRef} className="invisible absolute" /> </section> Here is the related css classes just in case something is wrong with it? .root { @apply pt-20 2xl:pt-32 px-20 min-h-screen text-primary relative; } .carouselContainer { @apply relative flex justify-center items-center; min-height: 650px; width: 100%; transform-style: preserve-3d; perspective: 1300px; /* transform-origin: center center calc(-300px / 100); */ } .carouselCard { @apply rounded-lg; overflow: hidden; width: 320px; aspect-ratio: 0.67; position: absolute; transition: transform 1s; -webkit-box-reflect: below 10px linear-gradient(transparent, transparent, #0005); }
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