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Found 3 results

  1. Hello Community. First of all, thank you very much for this very beautiful platform. I am very new and first time posting a question and sorry If I make any mistakes. I found one codepen as per my requirement but I found one issue in it. While scrolling in the horizontal section there is some glitch in the last section it distorts for a fraction. Help is appreciated. Please check the scroll between Horizontal 1 and Horizontal 2 sections. Here is the pen and loom link also. https://www.loom.com/share/d089bea672d7443d8af6394175f91f66?sid=ee6348c6-754d-479c-9cd4-784a8ff4d331
  2. I have stuck to make a normal scroll with Observer. I have scroll snapped from sections 1 to 2 and from sections 2 to 4 scroll normally with Observer. The body has overflow: hidden that I can't remove. Currently, the normal scroll I make by increasing progress to test. I'm trying to make it scroll by translate y with the mouse or wheel scroll value. This is the code sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/scroll-rfjx9k How can I reach that? Please help me . Thanks so much
  3. Good day, folks! I would appreciate any idea or workaround for the following interaction. After landing on a webpage and scrolling down to a particular section, I would like to see the background of the section zooms in as the mouse scroll continues (I can make it happen but I need your suggestions regarding the following steps.) 1. A popup appears (but the zoom-in effect stays). Note: That popup contains several slides that move vertically, and it doesn't cover the entire width of the screen, only half of the screen, leaving almost equal space on each side 2. I want to get the Nested Scrolling effect like the background with zoom-in effect stays until I'm done with scrolling until the last slider. 3. Also, while scrolling, I need to apply the Scroll Snap effect to each of those sliders. I would really appreciate your support. Thanks in advance!
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