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Found 5 results

  1. Hello everyone! I have a horizontal scroll section on my site as seen in the codepen. The problem is, when resizing the window horizontally, the width doesnt match anymore and the hotizontal scroll either goes too far or some of my content is cut off. I cant use xPercent instead of x since i need different widths for various screen widths. I already tried a solution suggested in another Thread ( ), but it doesnt seem to work in my case. Any ideas why or different approaches? Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. I am having an issue with elements not animating unless they are in the viewport or unless I resize the browser. https://cantoncc.wpengine.com/amenities/ I had this same issue when I tried to use animate on scroll AOS
  3. Hey everyone, I am doing my first steps with GSAP right now. I am using it with Kirby and try to trigger some scroll events. I startet with the simple gsap.to(".box", { scrollTrigger: ".box", // start the animation when ".box" enters the viewport (once) x: 500 }); Unfortunately, the animation is only triggered when I resize the browser window. How can I fix this? Any hint is appreciated?
  4. Hi, I have a big problem on every project when I resize the window. What should I do with each timeline or tween on resize? I need to have the same effect. And I need an advice, how to make (see my topic) on scroll, to have for horizontal lines the same position, relative to those titles? Thanks!
  5. It seems I can use "manager.selectedTargetObjects" to change dropShadowFilter, color, opacity and so many other things. but I cant seem to get it to resize an item. when i click my button, the bitmap inside the holder resizes and snaps back when you click on the item again. but if i was to put a drop shadow on the same way it works on the holder.. Any help would be most appreciated. fit_in.buttonMode = true; fit_in.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fitwindow); function fitwindow(e: MouseEvent): void { var myh = stage.stageHeight - 57.7; var myw = stage.stageWidth; var items: Array = manager.selectedTargetObjects; var stageCenter_x:Number = stage.stageWidth/2; var stageCenter_y:Number = stage.stageHeight/2; var picCenter_x:Number = items.width/2; var picCenter_y:Number = items.height/2; items.x = stageCenter_x - picCenter_x; items.y = stageCenter_y - picCenter_y; for (var i: int = 0; i < items.length; i++) { TweenLite.to(items.target, 0.75,{x:picCenter_x, y:picCenter_y, width:myw, height:myh}); } }
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