Hello GreenSock,
Lately, I've been getting into some projects that combine the Flash display list, the Starling framework, and the Away3D framework.
What a crazy mixed up world -- especially when it comes to rotation properties. As a Flash-based Stage3D framework, Away3D "sensibly" defaults to degrees (despite what some of my Unity guys might think of that). However, Starling kinda gums up the proverbial works by hopping to radians for expressions of rotation.
Granted, if an AS3 developer is using matrix transforms on a regular basis, radians are going to make some sense.
But for most Flash (and GreenSock) users migrating to Starling, this can be a challenge.
Perhaps we could register a new plugin that provides "useRadians:true" at the level of simple rotation tweens. I've enjoyed the convenience of "useRadians" on both the ShortRotationPlugin and the BezierPlugin, but when it comes to simple rotations (especially where ShortRotation is not applicable), the only solution I found has been to create custom unit-converting "myRotation" getter/setter on the custom class.
What is your suggestion? Maybe I'm missing something obvious, if so please rap my knuckle. Otherwise, might this call for a new plugin?
such as...
TweenMax.to(myStarlingSprite, 10, {radianRotation:{rotation:Math.PI*2}, repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone}); // rotate the starling sprite '360 degrees' every 10 seconds