I found a solution in this forum to this problem - unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
I do a rotationY by 180 degrees. So after the tween the image is flipped and you are suposed
to see the backside - but then the image is blury.
So I applied the solution I found here (deBlur) but then the image flips back to the frontside.
I appreciate any hint.
TweenLite.to(Africa1, .8,{ alpha: 1, rotationY : Africa1.rotationY -180,onComplete: deBlur, onCompleteParams: [Africa1], delay: .3 } ); } //kill matrix3D and reset x and y function deBlur( Africa1:MovieClip ): void { var currentX = Africa1.x; var currentY = Africa1.y; Africa1.transform.matrix3D = null; Africa1.x = currentX; Africa1.y = currentY; }