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  1. Hi, the title says a lot already, a client wants to move an element in the banner in function with the mouse position in the page, not only when the cursor hovers the banner. In horizontal formats it just follow the X-axis and in vertical formats the Y-axis. I found some codepens and adapted one that uses easelJS but as soon as we go out of the iframe region it isn't followed anymore, is there a possibility to track it as long as the cursor stays in the browser? http://codepen.io/anon/pen/eJrJGy
  2. Hi, I'm working on a new interface using SVG, GSAP and JQuery. I'd like a fluid interface with smooth interactions, and without staggered effects as you can see on this codepen (when the mouse move too fast between the plygons). I'd like something like this (each area back to its place before activating the new MouseEvent) but without the memory effect wich append a new Timeline each time the mouse is over a new area. I tried a lot of things like tl : new Timeline ({onStart:removeMouseEvent, onComlpete:addMouseEvent}) but the result is never what i want exactly. Is there a way to do that ? I hope I was clear enough, my english is pretty approximate. Thanks for reading and thanks for your amazing API.
  3. If I use LoaderMax to load pngs with transparent backgrounds and add mouse event listeners to the pngs, will the listeners respond when the mouse is over the transparent portion of the png? If so, is there a way to change this so that the mouse events only dispatch when hovering over opaque portions of the png? Thank you
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