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  1. Hi, i'm trying to create an horizontal scroll on my gallery section. So i followed lot of tutorials, and compared my code to lot of codepen to understand why, my horizontal scroll doesn't works. Sometimes it works, but the section is not pinned, Sometimes the section is pinned but scroll doesn't works. What did i do wrong. Also i'm using tailwindCss. Here is my useLocoScroll Hook: import {gsap} from "gsap" import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger" import LocomotiveScroll from "locomotive-scroll" import "locomotive-scroll/src/locomotive-scroll.scss" import { useEffect } from "react" gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) const useLocoScroll = () => { useEffect(()=>{ const scrollEl = document.querySelector('#page-wrapper'); let locoScroll = new LocomotiveScroll({ el: scrollEl, smooth:true, multiplier:1, class: 'is-reveal', markers:true }) locoScroll.on('scroll', () => ScrollTrigger.update) ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy(scrollEl, { scrollTop(value) { if (locoScroll) { return arguments.length ? locoScroll.scrollTo(value, 0, 0) : locoScroll.scroll.instance.scroll.y; } return null; }, getBoundingClientRect() { return {top: 0, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight}; }, pinType: scrollEl.style.transform ? "transform" : "fixed" }); const lsUpdate = () => { if (locoScroll) { locoScroll.update(); } }; ScrollTrigger.addEventListener("refresh", lsUpdate); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); return () => { if (locoScroll) { ScrollTrigger.removeEventListener("refresh", lsUpdate); locoScroll.destroy(); locoScroll = null; } }; }) } export default useLocoScroll And here my gallery component. import gsap from "gsap"; import { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; const Gallery = ({ data }) => { const ref = useRef(null); const projects = data.projects.data useEffect(() => { // This does not seem to work without a settimeout setTimeout(() => { let sections = gsap.utils.toArray(".gallery-item-wrapper"); const sectionWidth= ref.current.offsetWidth const scrollWidth = sectionWidth - window.innerWidth console.log(sections); console.log(ref.current.offsetWidth - window.innerWidth); gsap.to(sections, { scrollTrigger: { scroller: "#page-wrapper", scrub: true, trigger: ".sectionHorizontalScroll", pin: true, snap: 1 / (sections.length - 1), start: "top top", end: ()=> `+=${sectionWidth}`, markers: {startColor: "green", endColor: "red", fontSize: "12px"} }, x: -100 * (sections.length - 1), ease: "none", }); }); }, []); return( <section id="" className="h-screen w-max py-32 sectionHorizontalScroll" data-scroll-section > <div className="pinSectionHorizontalScroll"> <div className="flex flex-nowrap w-max" ref={ref} > { projects.map((project, index) => { return <GalleryItem mignature={project.attributes.mignature} title={project.attributes.title} key={project.attributes.title + "-" + index} /> }) } </div> </div> </section> ) } const GalleryItem = ({mignature, title}) => { return ( <div className="w-[50vh] gallery-item-wrapper" data-scroll> <h3 className="text-3xl font-bold text-grayPrimary">{title}</h3> </div> ) } export default Gallery At last, i added my locoScroll to my Layout like that: import ImageWebP from '../../components/ImageWebP' import Birds from './Canvas/Birds' import { Outlet } from "react-router-dom"; import Header from './Header'; import { useState } from 'react'; import CursorProvider from './CustomCursor'; import useLocoScroll from '../../services/useLocoScroll'; export default function Layout() { useLocoScroll(); const [isMenuOpen, toggleMenuOpen] = useState(false) return( <> <CursorProvider> <Header toggleMenu={toggleMenuOpen} isMenu={isMenuOpen}/> <section id='page' className={ 'h-full w-full relative transition-all' + (isMenuOpen ? " ml-96" : " ml-0") }> <section className='fixed left-0 top-0 w-screen h-screen -z-10'> <ImageWebP src={window.location.origin + "/assets/imgs/backrounds/background1.webp"} fallback={window.location.origin + "/assets/imgs/backrounds/background1.jpg"} classnames=" h-screen w-screen object-screen block " alt="A photo showing the expiration date on a box of Lucky Charms" className="object-cover h-full w-full" /> </section> <Birds /> <div id='page-wrapper' className=" w-full h-full min-h-screen z-30" data-scroll-container> <Outlet /> </div> </section> </CursorProvider> </> ) } Thank you if you take times to help me. There is the demo here: https://justhugo.fr
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