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  1. Hey there forums! This is kind of more of a general javascript question than a greensock question, though it does involve greensock! I'm trying to build off of this codepen I found - My goal is essentially to create more boxes and targets and have certain boxes with a class of 'incorrect'. I'd like to check for when a box with the class of 'incorrect' is on a target with a Check Answers button that I've created. The difficulty I'm having is trying to add a class of "wrong" to the targets when a box with the class of "incorrect" is snapped onto a target. My theory is that then with the Check Answers button I can just look for targets that have the class of "wrong" added to them. I've started building off of this codepen on my own - Where I've changed the first box to the color blue and added the class of "incorrect" to it. In the CSS panel I also added a class of "wrong" and changed the width to 300px for now in the class, so I will know if my code is working. I wrote the function: if (e.target.hasClass("incorrect")) { $(targets[i]).addClass("wrong"); } I'm still learning, so I hope this function is written correctly? Essentially wanting to add the class "wrong" to targets which have a box with the class of "incorrect" snapped to them. But wherever I put this function in the onDragEnd function, it seems to break things. . . right now it's at the bottom of my code and commented out. I've never seen a function as long as this onDragEnd one with so many nested if statements, so I'm pretty confused as to how everything is firing off and where I could put my function without mucking everything up? Any help is much appreciated!
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