Hi there,
I read this forum front to back and can't find a solution for my problem.
We're using the TweenMax pack on a animation and it works amazingly on Chrome, FF and Safari, as you would expect. Even IE9+ is a doozie and we're not having problems with that.
IE8 insists in not playing ball. So after a lot of debugging and fiddling around, I have two questions for you.
1) I notice that a few of the animations use "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix" while other will use use margin to move things around. Why's that? I can't find a pattern why TweenMax.
The animations that use "filter" work fine. But...
2) The animations using margin don't.
If I use "TweenMax.to" it disregards the current position of the element and starts from 0x0.
The "from" values below are also disregarded and the animation starts from 0x0.
TweenMax.fromTo(_cloud_small, 4.6, {css:{x:600}}, {css:{y:120, x:200}});
We've tried changing 'x' and 'y' to 'left' and 'top' and a whole bunch other things, but nothing seems to work. It is as if on onStart the the object's margin is set to 0 and the animation starts from there.
Why, I ask you, WHY?
I've spent a few hours on this now, and I can't understand the reason. Any clues will be most appreciated!
Hug of the bear and thanks!