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  1. Hello guys - I've finally finished an app I've been working on for some time, as while it doesn't showcase GSAP (which I've used in just about everything else I've ever done!) - I'd love to offer free pro accounts for any developers over here who might want to use it. I have about 33,000 Open Source & Creative Commons graphics, inside of an easy to use SVG editor that can output PNGS or SVGs, and will soon also have app icon exports for IOS and Android, as well as export for the Spine animation platform. We have a few thousand pieces of game art as well - including over 400 of the best Glitch pieces, as well as the Kenney.nl collection, and others. We are at https://kwippe.com The basic app is free but a pro subscription will get you access to importing your own stuff, as well as cloud syncing (coming soon) - and lots of other cool stuff on our roadmap. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this message - but wanted to throw it out there and see if anybody is interested! We are still definitely a beta product, but the app has a lot of promise as we are offering a variations designer that makes it pretty painless to throw together some quick graphics. Just shoot me an email - stace at kwippe.com - and I'll upgrade your account on Kwippe. @OSUblake @Carl @GreenSock
  2. gerjogreenwald

    Animating icons with groups

    Hi There, I'm new to Greensock and i have been playing a little with the plugin, especially the MorphSVG plugin. For my current project i'm using Greensock to animate some elements on the site but i'm also trying to achieve animated icons. Now i'm been searching to create a simple tween between 2 groups <g> but i read in old topics that it's just possible to do a one on one path morph. As i already include this library, and try to avoid including more, i would like to use MorphSVG for this without recreating available SVG icons with a seperated animation. Am i overlooking something, is there a workaround for this or should i look at some other library? With kind regards, Gerjo
  3. Thales Ribeiro

    Wiggle Effect

    Hi there, i'm trying to replicate an animation i did in After Effects using the Wiggle expression. The problem is that my animation in Greensock is far from looking as 'fluid' as the one i did in after effects. The way i did my animation in after effects i set up how much a value will change and the frequency of this change. for instance: wiggle(freq, amp) wiggle(2, 50); Have a look at the code i created, on the same link you can check out the animated gif i'm trying to replicate. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/qBxir/ The animation is basically a constant wobbly effect on all those icons, i also want the animation to be random. Do you guys see this as a good way of doing this? I tried changing the easing but i still couldn't get it to look close to the gif. Is there a better way of doing this? Cheers, Thales
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