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  1. Hello everybody. Our team is currently working on one beautiful landing page for our partner. Our goal is to create a stunning website which will attract new clients. Please reach me out and we will discuss the details. The project is not so hard I believe for you guys. With Regards, Aram.
  2. Using jQuery and greensock together. Recently I designed a site and I worked VERY hard on the animation using greensock. I love it btw. However, I showed two friends that they had old browsers and when they clicked the links they did not even go to the right pages, they did nothing. My heart hurts that they can't see the animation but hurts more knowing they can't see the content because the links don't work. On another browser, firefox old version. 3.0 I think. They buttons worked but the video box did not animate and stayed on top so it messed up content below. My question: Is there a way to detect if they have javascript or some other work around so at least the links can work and in this case the video box will go away, so they can at least see the content? Here is the website I am talking about. See how the video box jumps off screen when you click a link, well its suppoed to, but not for all does it work. If not perhaps I can redirect them to a page that says... sorry you can't view this content you need to update your browser. http://www.BeauBird.com/hope.php Thanks for your help or suggestions so my work can be seen by all. -PapaDeBeau
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