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  1. Pebble

    Moving and blinking animation

    Hi Many thanks to the moderators for their help with GSAP I need to be able to make moving animations blink or pulse. I have been able to do this using several tweens that move, blink and then restart, move and blink etc but this is choppy and not very elegant. I am sure there is a simpler way to do this but I don't know what it is. I wondered if there was a solution with the onRepeat function? I have created a codepen where I have a block moving and blinking over the complete duration of its path but I want to be able to control it's opacity in more detail. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/RGgJrA For example, it moves for a second or to a certain point and then it's opacity becomes zero, and then then returns to 1 and then seamlessly carries on its path for another second where it blinks again. Is it possible to do this with a single expression on one tween or do you have to chain animations together to make it work. One other question I have is about compatibility. I have tested GSAP on Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, iOS and Chrome on Android. It works fine on all that. I was wondering if it's compatible with other Android browsers? Many thanks for your help. I think GSAP is great. Pebble
  2. mafox296

    fading problem with i.e 11

    You have helped me before, so please indulge me.I know you have answed related topics before but here is a very simple codepen. In the live program I have images instead of text. In chrome and firefox I have no problem, but IE 11 doesn't fade. Also it I use .set($lines,{opacity:0}) this does not work in IE. Thanks
  3. alint

    Fading effect - Top to Bottom

    Hello, I am struggling with the following animaton and I would like to know if it is possible to do something like this with GSAP: I would like to animate a div so it comes in from top to bottom (this is easy), once the div is in its final position I would like to fade it from top to bottom. Currently, by using alpha, the div fades as a whole. I would like to have it fade from top to bottom. Is this possible? Here is the pen: http://codepen.io/alinticlea/pen/iuAoE Thank you. Alin
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