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  1. Hello, I am trying to create an animation where the overlapping pinned sections will do a fade in and out transition with full scroll. I've been searching all over the forums and tried myself but unfortunately not being able to create what I want. Here is a minimal demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/elated-nova-bt0fl4?file=/src/App.js By "full scroll", I mean waiting for the transition to complete even if the user forces the scroll to an in-between spot. Similar to how FullPage.js works but with fade transition instead of sliding. In the minimal demo, the transition happens too quickly. However, I also want to achieve a more delayed and smooth transition that is pleasing to the eye, just like every other cool animations created using GSAP! Looking forward to some help from the community. Some of the threads from the forums that I have already tried taking help from which are close to what I am trying to achieve are: I have also attached a screen recording of what I've come up with till now
  2. Hello! I'm doing app which returns cards from JSON array and it also have pagination. I found source code for fade in animation from web which works like a charm. I'm wondering how to make animation also Fade out. I have pagination which has 10 cards per page and when I click next page cards should fade out and after that next cards should fade in. Any ideas? I don't think I need to attach anything else than fade animation component? Here's the code I found: const FadeAnimation = ({ children, wrapperElement = "div", direction = null, delay = 0, ...props }) => { const Component = wrapperElement; let compRef = useRef(null); const distance = 5; let fadeDirection; switch (direction) { case "left": fadeDirection = { x: -distance }; break; case "right": fadeDirection = { x: distance }; break; case "up": fadeDirection = { y: distance }; break; case "down": fadeDirection = { y: -distance }; break; default: fadeDirection = { x: 0 }; } useEffect(() => { gsap.from(compRef.current, 1, { ...fadeDirection, opacity: 0, delay, }); }, [compRef, fadeDirection, delay]); return ( <Component ref={compRef} {...props}> {children} </Component> ); };
  3. gsmas

    Fade in Problem

    Hi, I have following Problem. My fade in effect function but on Start it shows the last image overlap on first image. TweenLite.to("#blackimg", 0.1, {autoAlpha:0}); TweenLite.to("#blackimg", 0.1, {autoAlpha:1, delay:0}); TweenLite.to("#redimg", 1, {autoAlpha:0}); TweenLite.to("#redimg", 1, {autoAlpha:1, delay:4}); TweenLite.to("#blueimg", 1, {autoAlpha:0}); TweenLite.to("#blueimg", 1, {autoAlpha:1, delay:6}); TweenLite.to("#greenimg", 1, {autoAlpha:0,}); TweenLite.to("#greenimg", 1, {autoAlpha:1, delay:8}); Thanks
  4. Hello all, I am newbie and just started to learn GSAP technology in my company. I have asked to create this effect using GSAP. I tried my best to find scrollTop of current message and fail to apply autoAlpha on it. Will you just check both images and can someone tell me how can I create fadein and fadeout effect scrolling up and down. I want to show current message with opacity 1 and last message with 0.5 and last second message 0.25 and so on. And when I scroll down messages opacity should change as per scroll. Please need someone early help to achieve this. Thanks in advance.
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